Indonesia KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas)



If you desire to reside or work in Indonesia, you will require something called a KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas), which is a Residence Permit Card for a temporary or limited stay. It permits the bearer to stay in Indonesia for a period of up to one year, but which can be prolonged if needed. You will get a KITAS when you appeal for a work visa, retirement visa, spouse/family visa, and other long-term visas for Indonesia. Since this is a residence permit, not a tourist visa, a large part of the application procedure takes place from inside Indonesia, so you require a guarantor (such as your employer) to support you with the appeal.

Kinds of Indonesian Residence Permits

Beforehand you get a KITAS in Indonesia, and you have to obtain a VITAS and an ITAS. Though the terms are very alike and puzzling, there is a simple rational differentiate between them:

  • VITAS stands for Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas, which indicates Temporary/Limited Stay Permit Visa. The VITAS is what you will obtain from the Indonesian Embassy with the endorsement of the Indonesian Immigration Department earlier you even travel to Indonesia.
  • ITAS stands for Izin Tinggal Terbatas, which signifies Temporary Stay Permit. So, it is the immigration rank itself. The Indonesian Immigration Offices stamp your passport every year to express that you have a temporary stay residence status.
  • KITAS is the Temporary Stay Permit Card, which you will get only later the Indonesian Immigration provides you with an ITAS. So, it is just a kind of ID card that displays you have ITAS (temporary) immigration status.

Types of KITAS in Indonesia

There are different sorts of KITAS based on the aim of why you desire to reside in Indonesia. The most common KITAS kinds are:

  • Work Visa KITAS: The Work Visa KITAS is delivered to overseas citizens who wish to work for an Indonesian corporation or organization. For a work KITAS, your proprietor has to get a work permit (IMTA) for you from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. You will then obtain a KITAS based on the length of your work contract.
  • Family Visa KITAS: This sort of KITAS is delivered to the dependent family associates (spouse and/or children under 18 years of age) of principal KITAS owners.
  • Retirement Visa KITAS: The Retirement KITAS is delivered to foreign citizens who are over the age of 55 and desire to retire in Indonesia. To obtain a Retirement KITAS, you have to be able to present evidence you have adequate funds to bear yourself during your stay without working.
  • Student Visa KITAS: The Student Visa KITAS is delivered to global students who desire to pursue their studies in an Indonesian educational institute. It is lawful for a year and has to be renewed for the period of your studies. It does not permit the bearer to work.

Required Documents

The documents you require in demand to get a KITAS differ depending on the kind of Indonesian visa/KITAS you need. They comprise:

  • Your legal passport and a coloured copy of your passport.
  • Evidence of financial soundness
  • Two passport-size coloured photos as per the requirements
  • For Work KITAS:
    • A coloured copy of your resume. It should have the corporation’s stamp and a signature by a company director over the stamp.
    • A copy of the RPTKA
    • A coloured copy of your university credential/s or the highest level of educational gradation.
    • A certificate of work knowledge (at least five years) that’s linked to the job
    • Evidence of insurance coverage issued by an Indonesian insurance company
    • Documents from your corporation, such as NPWP tax identification number, Business license (SIUP), Capital Registration License (SPPMA) from the BKPM, etc.
  • For Spouse/Family KITAS:
    • ID Card (KTP) and Family Card (Kartu Keluarga) of the Indonesian spouse
    • Birth credential (Akta Lahir) of Indonesian spouse
    • Bank Declaration of the Indonesian spouse
    • Birth credential/s for dependent children if applicable
  • For Retirement KITAS:
    • Declarations from Pension Fund or bank statements, showing financial soundness
    • Evidence of accommodation in Indonesia
    • A declaration you aim to hire an Indonesian domestic worker or driver
    • A declaration you do not aim to work while in Indonesia
  • For Student KITAS:
    • Copy of the Letter of Acceptance from the educational institute
    • Your academic transcripts
    • Evidence of financial accountability from your parents, legal guardians, or a guarantor throughout your studies
  • Any additional documents that may be demanded by the Immigration Department.

Important note: This is not a complete index of the mandatory documents as they change depending on your specific situation and the demand of the Immigration officials. This list is only supposed to assist as a guideline.

How to Apply for KITAS Online

To appeal for a KITAS online, you have to visit the website, which is the certified website of the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration. Choose the option “Temporary Stay Permit” and follow the directions afterwards. You will require your VITAS Authorization Number. Next, you submit your online KITAS appeal. You still have to go to the Immigration Offices in person to make the payment free and get the ITAS Stamp on your passport. Later, you have to obtain the Police Report Letter (STM) from the local police department and register with the local municipality’s population office and get your Certificate of Registration for Temporary Resident (SKPPS).

KITAS Application Processing Time

A KITAS appeal has a habit of being lengthier due to the amount of mandatory paperwork and different application procedures, such as applying for the work permit. It generally takes six weeks to ten weeks.

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