Most Popular Visa Articles

Malaysia Long-Term Social Visit Pass

A Malaysian Long-Term Social Visit Pass is delivered to overseas citizens who wish to reside in Malaysia for a duration lengthier than six months. It is allotted to the family associates of Employment Pass owners or spouses of Malaysian national as well as to foreigners who require to get medical treatment in Malaysia. Read details in this article.

Blocked Account in Germany

A Blocked Account is one of the conducts you can use to give “evidence of financial resources” when applying for a Germany Visa. As of 2020, the annual amount is at least €10,236 or €853 each month.

Letter of Commitment for Germany Visa Verpflichtungserklärungen

A Letter of Commitment is a document needed for a Germany visa. It presents that a resident in Germany is prepared to host another individual coming to Germany and bear their expenditures throughout their stay in Germany.

CNMI - Only Transitional Worker (CW-1, CW-2 & E-2C) Visa for the U.S.

The visa classes are for "transitional workers" (CW-1, CW-2) and long-term stockholders (E-2C). The transitional employee and investor visas are legal only for arrival into the CNMI. Visa holders cannot practice these visas to travel to or work anyplace else in the United States.

Singapore Exit Permit

The Singapore Exit Permit is needed in demand to ensure that the Singaporean male will finally return to Singapore to complete his military service. Leaving Singapore short of getting an Exit Permit is measured as a crime.

UK Visa Application Process (How to Apply)
United Kingdom

The UK visa appeal procedure and service you require to use in demand to apply for a UK visa rests on generally on the visa class you require to apply for. Read this article for more details.

Work Permit for Performing Artiste in Singapore

If you are a performing artist who desires to work in a Singaporean public entertaining outlet, you will require a Singapore Work Permit for performing artiste. There are admissibility standards that both you and your possible employer have to come across before appealing for a work permit.

Documents Needed to Apply for Germany Visa

One of the key and crucial portions of your Germany visa appeal is the assembling and submission of the needed documents for the visa you want to get. You are obligatory to submit these documents primarily to verify that you are entitled to travel.

UK Visa Photo Necessities
United Kingdom

When you apply for a UK visa or additional residence permit, you have to submit one or few printed or digital photos of yourself, together with other necessary UK visa obligatory documents. These photographs should come across the conditions of the UK visa and immigration, or your appeal will generally get late.

Researcher and Guest Scientist Visa

Germany is considered the land of invention and innovation. The Western European nation has unlocked its doors for all those willing to carry researches and have all sorts of means to do so. Because of German visa rules, reliant on your citizenship, you may require a Researcher visa to arrive in the country.

Singapore Long-Term Visit Pass

If an overseas citizen wishes to remain in Singapore for lengthier than 30 days, they must have to obtain a Long-Term Visit Pass. There are two kinds of LTVPs provided by two various Singaporean authorities. Read details in this article.

Singapore Training Employment Pass

An overseas citizen who wishes to work as an intern or apprentice, will require a Singapore internship visa. It is generally called a Training Employment Pass. The Ministry of Manpower is responsible for issuing the Training Employment Pass.